What to do before going live

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What to do before going live

When you have everything set up as you wish and some content published please go through the following steps:

  1. Allow search engines to find your site by changing Settings | Privacy | Site Visibility to “Allow search engines to index this site.”
  2. Change admin email to your own so you get notifications from the site by setting Settings | General | Email Address
  3. Double check that your comment forms are secure at Settings | Discussion
  4. Setup authors that need access at Users. Use SUNetIDs as usernames
  5. Delete all plugins that are not activated at Plugins
  6. Ensure the Google Analytics is setup at Genesis | Header and Footer Scripts
  7. Setup and check configurations for sitemap builds for SEO improvement under Settings | Strictly Sitemap
    1. Main Sitemap Options
      1. Enable Auto Build = Yes
      2. Rebuild Type = Rebuild at scheduled intervals
      3. Rebuild behind the scenes = Yes
    2. Cron Schedule Options
      1. Scheduler Method = Strictly Sitemap Cron
      2. Rebuild Interval = Every Day
    3. Memory Management & Performance Configuration
      1. Auto Config Memory Limit = Yes
      2. Min Memory Usage = 42.5MB
      3. Max Memory Usage = 128MB
    4. Build Options
      1. Include Homepage = Yes
      2. Include Articles = Yes
      3. Include Pages = Yes
    5. Custom Pages (if you have any custom pages you can include them here)
      1. Delete any example pages
    6. Sitemap Options
      1. Create GZip Version = Yes
    7. Press Build Sitemap to generate a valid, new sitemap.
  8. Delete all sample posts and pages
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