What to do before going live
When you have everything set up as you wish and some content published please go through the following steps:
- Allow search engines to find your site by changing Settings | Privacy | Site Visibility to “Allow search engines to index this site.”
- Change admin email to your own so you get notifications from the site by setting Settings | General | Email Address
- Double check that your comment forms are secure at Settings | Discussion
- Setup authors that need access at Users. Use SUNetIDs as usernames
- Delete all plugins that are not activated at Plugins
- Ensure the Google Analytics is setup at Genesis | Header and Footer Scripts
- Setup and check configurations for sitemap builds for SEO improvement under Settings | Strictly Sitemap
- Main Sitemap Options
- Enable Auto Build = Yes
- Rebuild Type = Rebuild at scheduled intervals
- Rebuild behind the scenes = Yes
- Cron Schedule Options
- Scheduler Method = Strictly Sitemap Cron
- Rebuild Interval = Every Day
- Memory Management & Performance Configuration
- Auto Config Memory Limit = Yes
- Min Memory Usage = 42.5MB
- Max Memory Usage = 128MB
- Build Options
- Include Homepage = Yes
- Include Articles = Yes
- Include Pages = Yes
- Custom Pages (if you have any custom pages you can include them here)
- Delete any example pages
- Sitemap Options
- Create GZip Version = Yes
- Press Build Sitemap to generate a valid, new sitemap.
- Main Sitemap Options
- Delete all sample posts and pages